It kinda sucks looking, to the future. You want so badly to do something, but can't because maybe your still a teenager, or you don't have the money to do something. Or maybe you're just not confident enough to do something. We all want to speed up time, graduate, get a job and start our lives on our own, without our parents. I get this feeling of depression all the time because I want so many things but won't do anything to get them for all of the reasons I listed previously. You're not alone.
All I want in life is to be physically perfect. Obviously there is no such thing as a perfect person, but we can strive for it right? I want perfect teeth, but can't afford braces. I want to be 5'8" and have clear skin, but I have bad genes. There is really nothing we can do about these things.
We can't control time. But what we can do is control what we do with our time. Instead of sitting around, waiting for something to happen, take action. Do something. Go hang out with people and have fun. Take some risks. Obviously don't do anything stupid, but you get what I'm saying. The reason this world is so messed up is because no one is willing to take the big risks. There are so many things that we want to do out of our comfort zone, but we're too scared to do them. While we're waiting for something to come to us, time is passing by. One day, you'll be too old to do the things you really wanted to do.
I'm not a fan of YOLO because of the way everyone uses the term, but whoever started it was right. We do only live once. But you shouldn't be wasting your life smoking, drinking, and getting pregnant. What we should be doing is trying to make a difference in the world. We spend our time watching TV and checking our social networks (yes I know... I'm blogging right now), when we could be outside, getting exercise, meeting new people and making friends. And people wonder why America has the highest obesity rate. Now, I'm not saying that social networking is bad. For someone like me, it's good. I wouldn't know what's going on in the world without them. But they don't consume all of my time. I go outside. I exercise. I hang out with my family (a little too much). I'm not boasting, I'm saying that it is possible to be healthy and do all of the things that normal teenagers do (besides drugs and sex, which by the way, should not be normal, but we'll save that subject for another day).
So my point is, don't wait around for the world to happen. Get out there and do something to better yourself and the people around you. Tell me what your views are of society. Why do you think there are so many people sitting around waiting for things to happen? Thanks friends:)