Saturday, November 2, 2013


Now that I am working a full time job, I have to drive through the terrible traffic you hear about in movies and on television. Some days, the traffic is good and some days it's just awful. But I never complain. Mostly because I'm not the one driving. I used to carpool with one of my coworkers and business partners. He would always try to find the fastest route to work, but it would always end up taking a long time to get there. Whenever the traffic was really heavy, I'd look in other peoples cars at their expressions. They'd be mad and angry. I could picture them thinking, "Man whoever is holding me up is going to pay. I need to get to this job that I hate." From what I've learned about my commute, the traffic is only bad when there is a serious wreck. After a while, I thought about how ignorant most of the people that I share the road with are. Someone was just in a really bad wreck and could have died, and you're complaining about going to a place that can't support you and your family? I would like to say, "Now I understand where these people are coming from," but I really can't. How can someone be so caught up in themselves that they not care about another person in danger. I can say that I do understand why people wouldn't want to put themselves in life or death situations for another person, but not being considerate of a person in that situation is just... ugh. It makes me so angry. I don't like being angry. I age faster when I do that.
This is kind of a short post, but I wanted people to be aware for when/if they go into the working world. Be safe and don't drive when you're upset. It puts you and others around you in danger.

But seriously guys... Thanks for reading. God bless you and God bless america.

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