Being a waitress, I have to put up with a lot of irritating people. I have a new found respect for waitresses. I remember hearing when I was younger that people would treat waitresses poorly because they might not always provide the best service. Customers think they're above their servers. Well, here's the thing; customers don't realize everything we have to do.
I'm not saying that all customers are rude, it's mostly the ones that have never experienced being in the service industry or are just unhappy in their lives. I understand that you're hurting and you want someone to feel sorry for you, but please stop having a pity party and ruining everyone else's lives. Instead of being negative, try helping someone else out. Serve.
I once was serving a pretty big group of people and it looked like they were having a good time, so I tried not to disturb them as much. When they got up to leave, one of the women came up to me and put $0.50 in my hand. She says to me, "This would've been $5.00 if you had come back and waited on us." Now you should probably know, she was yelling at me. Honestly, all I could do was laugh. Sure it hurt, but I refuse to take people seriously when they act rude like that.
One of my managers used to be a waiter at another restaurant. Once, a lady gave him a tip of $0.10. He saw it on the table, picked it up, and ran out to give it back to the lady. He put it in her hand and said," Miss, you forgot something," then walked away. He was so insulted that he didn't want the tip. I probably would have been too. That's pretty messed up. I could tell you many waitress stories, but I have something else I'd like to share.
If you follow me on Instagram or Twitter, you've probably read this story. One Saturday morning, on my way to school, I made a stop at McDonald's. I went in the drive-thru and only ordered a drink, When I got to the window, they gave me a big bag of food with no drink. Why I kept driving, I'm not sure. Anyways, I pulled into a parking space and went inside. When I walked through the door, there was a guy complaining about the service. Turns out they must have been having trouble that morning because they messed up a lot of people's orders. I went up to the counter to fix my order. I let the lady know what happened and she got it all sorted out. While I was waiting, I noticed the guy at the other register talking to himself. I tried distracting myself from listening to his negativity by seeing how cute my new beanie looked. I could not believe my ears what I heard next. The guy, still talking to himself, said, "Wearing a [expletive] hat when it's 105 degrees outside. Stupidest [expletive] thing I've ever [expletive] seen." If I'm not mistaken, this guy was talking about me. My natural instinct would have been to turn to him and start a fight, but I know better now. I wasn't sure what else I could do, so i just kept looking straight forward. Luckily he left before I did. On my up to the school, I was thinking of all the things I could have said to him. One thing stuck in particular. I should have looked straight forward and shouted, "THIS IS HOW STUPID YOU LOOK TALKING TO YOURSELF." Although this would have been clever, it's a good thing I didn't say anything. I didn't know this guy's story. He might have a mental issue. You never know.
The point of this post was to show you that you should respect the people around you. You never know their story. Smile and try to brighten their day. It might seem painful at first and you think it will hurt your pride, but honestly, you will be the better person if you show others respect.
Conversation time! What are some of your experiences with rude people? Did you handle these situations well? How could you have resolved them? Let me know in the comments! Thank you friends for reading. God bless you and God bless America :)
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