Tuesday, August 27, 2013

What Are Clothes?

I was home schooled for the last 7 months so I'm unaware of the trends that people are following nowadays. But occasionally I would drive past my old school right as it lets out, and sometimes on YouTube or Instagram, I'll see girls wearing something really weird. I'm probably going to offend some people when I say this, but here goes... What the heck are you wearing?!
Not only do some of the clothes people wear look ridiculous, but why are you wearing these things in public? Shouldn't some of that stuff be against the law? I don't understand what has happened to this generation. I might just be freaking out over nothing. But trends lately are getting weirder and weirder.
I want let everyone reading this know that this is an opinionated blog and most of everything WILL offend a lot of people. I do not apologize for having an opinion or offending anyone. If you're offended, then that's your problem. I am however sorry that you let someone else's words control how you feel. Okay, moving on. 
Floral print pants are pretty cute... If worn correctly. They look good with blazers and light or dark plain shirt depending on the color of the pants. Floral print does NOT look good with a floral  top... Or any top with a design for that matter. Please stop doing that. Also, brightly colored skinny jeans are unpleasant. I was that kid in middle school that wore brightly colored skinny jeans every day. It looked horrible. I just think they're played out. (Was that hipster of me to say?) 
I'm not going to spend too much time on this because it bothers us all, but sagging. Seriously? Have you not learned by now? For years we have been making fun of you people, and telling you to put a belt on. Please, for the love of God, PULL UP YOUR PANTS! The sad thing is, most of the people that sag, wear belts....
Anything that shows your midline is salty (not in a good way). Honestly. If you're wearing something that shows any part of your torso, besides a swimsuit, you should be burned. People in other countries get their limbs tied to goats and pulled in opposite directions for wearing things like that. Unless you're wearing something under it. That's okay. The only exception to this rule is strippers. Young women should not be wearing things like this. "Young women should not be trying to win the eyes of young men, but rather the eyes of God." - Chris Brady
Next on the list, and the most irritating to me, bikinis. Now, I don't have a problem with bikinis. I do have a problem when girls pull up the back of the bottoms to make it look like they're giving themselves a wedgie. I mean, you might as well be naked. I once watched a video of Cait Barker interviewing a pro surfer, Bree Kleintop, and they were sharing some of their workout routines. They mentioned that they like to show off their butts because they worked hard to get that. Okay, now I understand that if you work hard for something, you want to show it off. But your butt? Really? I'm done. I'm so done. 
Maybe I grew up differently (I know I did), or maybe I have different tastes. Maybe it's because I've been sheltered so long and just haven't caught on. But regardless, I hate most of the trends today. Why can't we all just wear jeans and t-shirts?! Whatever...
Tell me what you think of today's trends. Tell me what today's trends are because I think I'm missing something. If you can't tell, I post these as incomplete a lot. But thanks anyways :) 

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