Homecoming always makes me sad. Every single year, I end up crying for some reason. Not once was I asked to go with anyone. Not once was I able to make a mum. Not once did I buy a dress that actually liked. And of course, no one cares. All I ever wanted was a date that I could do the stereotypical Texas homecoming thing with.
Let me start off by explaining what sucked about each year. Freshman year, I was a fifth wheel. In fact, the "friend" I went with asked the guy that I wanted to go with. I wore a dress I got at a garage sale for $5. Pretty much, I felt left out.
Sophomore year was the worst. I went with some friends. Now, this year was bad not because something happened to me, but another one of my friends. That same "friend" had someone ask her, but she said no. When she found out my other friend was going to ask this guy, she turned around and said she would go with him. She's one of those girls that doesn't want anyone to be happy. That's not the only thing that happened that year. I had asked my crush since 8th grade to go with me. Yeah, I was thirsty. Anyways, he said he probably wasn't even going to go. The next weekend, I found out that he had wanted to ask my BEST FRIEND to go with him. Why I still went to the dance, I have no idea.
Junior year. Ah yes, this was actually not a bad year. Mainly because I didn't go to the dance. I went to the movies with my folks instead. I had been telling people since summer band started that I wasn't gonna go if no one asked me. Naturally, no one asked. Which now that I think about it, I was kind of happy. I didn;t have to deal with any of that bs hoco drama.
We all know that I dropped out of school, so I couldn't go to hoco unless I had a date or someone invited me. For the longest time, I thought this guy was going to ask me, but once again, I was fooled by an oblivious guy. So I'm not going this year. But I still have my hopes up that someone will ask me to prom. For once, I want to have a date to SOMETHING. Maybe I'll be lucky enough to get asked. That's what I want more than anything.
Thank you to everyone who is reading my blog. It means a lot. I know most people don't actually care about what I have to say, but I care. And I am going to continue saying what I want. God bless you and God bless America.
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