Here are some common New Years Resolutions that people set:
- Lose Weight. Almost everyone tries to set this goal. But a few months in, they give up. The gyms know it. In January, you see a bunch of gyms everywhere. Then by June, there's only 1 or 2 left in the area. And the ones that are left are usually 24 Hour Fitness and the Crossfit gyms. Reason being the 24hr Fitness still open, people can go when there is no one else around. And the Crossfit centers are for people who's lives revolve around athletics.
- Improve relationships. People (especially teens) want boyfriend/girlfriends. They want to make new friends. But the problem with this is that people don't want to go through the effort of trying to make new friends. Another thing is that they don't know how to. It's easy to make friends in school because you are surrounded by people your age. But for adults, it's nearly impossible. The only people they are around is their coworkers and maybe the people they go to church with. Adults don't necessarily like their coworkers. Start introducing yourself to random people at the store. It's going to be weird, but over time, you'll get more comfortable and have actual conversations.
- Manage stress. This is a good one for me. I'm ALWAYS stressed out and I know I'm not the only one. For me, the best way to manage stress is by letting your anger or sadness out. Don't keep your feelings bottled up. But take anything out on another person. Just scream. Cry. Do whatever you need to do. Talk to someone you trust. Don't let yourself feel bad by holding everything in. While all of these things are good, the best thing I could tell you is to just take a break and BREATHE.
There are many other resolutions that people set. I would like to talk about them, but I don't have any experience with them. What I would like to tell you is to not feel like you should or shouldn't set a goal for yourself. But don't limit your goals to the first of the year. You should set goals everyday.
I turn 18 this year. My resolution is to get the job before the job of my dreams. I want to work at Volkswagen of Lewisville as a receptionist or some sort of assistant. Eventually I'll get into sales. Then one day, I'll open up my own VW dealership. This is the first stepping stone on my journey.
Tell me your New Years Resolutions! I want to hear them. Do you think you're going to stick with it? Let me know in the comments below. Until next time...
God Bless You and God Bless America!