Thursday, December 19, 2013


I've been doing some research about how to have an effective blog. Apparently I am supposed to have some type of theme. By theme I mean, what is the purpose of my blog? Why did I create it in the first place? What is the message I want to convey to my readers? Honestly, I have no good answer to these questions. Is there a right answer? No clue. I created the blog because I felt like it. I want to show my readers my personality and just have conversation. But, even though there is really no purpose, I still want to have a blog that people like to read and tell their friends about. Now, let's get to brainstorming.

What do people like? Cats, memes, humor. But all of the typical things are too easy. Politics, freedom, 'Murica. Those topics are hard to talk about. It requires a bunch of reason and in the end it's worthless. People will only criticize your thoughts. Health & Beauty. HA. I am definitely not one to be talking about that. And I'm not a mother so I can't have a "mommy" blog.

Okay, what do I like. Music. But how does one have a music blog? What do you talk about? "Music."No really? I thought you were supposed to talk about ham... But really? I could talk about my favorite artists all day, but who really cares? Pokemon. I do love Pokemon, and like music, I could go on all day talking about Pokemon related things. But it's only targeting a certain audience. Ice Skating. Well, as much as would love to talk about that, I don't get to skate very much. And even if I did, I'm not really that good. Movies. Oh how I love movies. I love watching them over and over again making stupid comments. I love taking notes while watching a series, trying to connect everything together. That's probably really weird. Something you might not know about me, I really love architecture. If I was going to college, I would major in Architecture Design. I seriously love it so much. That might be a good topic.

After going through this, I've realized something. I can't just pick one topic and stick with it. I am not a person that can choose something and stick with it. I need variety. My readers need variety. Everyone needs variety in their life. If you keep doing the same thing over again, don't you think things would get boring? Well that's how I feel. So I've decided. I'm not going to change a thing. this is my blog. I can talk about whatever I want to. And this will be the best blog ever because of it's variety. There is something for everyone.

Thank you guys! I know I rant a lot, but that's the point. Tell me what you think. What kind of things would you like me to write about? Let me know.

- Rachael

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