Thursday, June 12, 2014

I Literally Cannot Even

I can't. I really can't. I've never hated anything so much in my life. For the readers about to go into college and/or get a job, think about what you're doing. Think really hard. Think about what it is you really want to do. Do it now. I'll give you some time. 
Got it? Okay, now... Think about what you like to do and DO IT. I'm dead serious. Find a way to make it your living. If you love art, become an artist. Start an art gallery. Make art for people. Or maybe you love riding horses. Open up a ranch. Teach kids how to ride. Please don't make the mistake of getting a college degree and going into a field you are t even that interested in. College is NOT for everyone, so don't feel pressured to go. Don't waste the time and money. Don't to into $30k (or more) of debt to get a degree in something you might not even be able to use. Don't do something you'll regret. 

Even though I say college is not for everyone, it is for some people. Doctors, Lawyers, and other career paths require you to have a degree. If you are passionate about one of these careers, then by all means, go to college. And do well. We need people who are passionate about their jobs. No one likes it when the lady at the front desk or on the phone is rude and you can tell she hates what she's doing. I deal with people like that all the time. It's sad. 

Please just take this as a warning or something. Don't fall into a place where you don't want to be. Follow your dreams. Please. 

I wash going to write more, but I stopped for a day and lost where I was gonna go with this. I'm sorry. Forgive me. 

Until next time...
God Bless you and God Bless America. 
- Rachael 

Monday, June 9, 2014


If you know me, I don't follow through on a lot of things. There was that one time a few months ago that I was trying to go vegan. That was a weird experience. I enjoyed though, because I was losing weight. In one week, I think I lost 2 pounds. I'm lucky enough to be one of those girls that loses weight easily. My only problem is that I'm not (wasn't) motivated to work out. Not to mention I'm weak when it comes to food. I was doing real well for a week, then there was that one day my parents and some friends went to McDonald's. It just smelled so good. (Not really, but I thought it did). So long story short, I ordered a Bacon and Chicken Club. It was delicious. But of course, I felt so bad afterwards, emotionally and physically. My stomach hurt. McDonalds does that to me...

The point of that story was to show you how little will power I have. BUT even if you don't have a lot of will power, you can develop it over time. You need to find that one thing. The one thing that inspires you to be great. For me, it's famous people. Does that sound strange? Let me explain. Every once in a while, I'll fall in love with a famous person. I'll want to be just like them. Right now, it's Lauren Conrad. She's one of the most amazing people I have ever heard of. I posted about her last week, so I won't get into a lot of detail about her. But basically, she's a great role model and I want to be like her. I've changed everything. The way I eat, my daily routine, how I wear my hair. The littlest details. I've even changed the type of pjs I wear to bed. It's not some weird obsession as you might think. It's more like I'm trying to be a better version of myself. As I'm changing the way I do things, I don't feel like what I'm doing is weird or unnatural. It feels right. Like this is who I really am. (Just to be clear, I have never felt this way about any other famous person.

So the moral of today's blog is to believe in yourself... how lame. But really, if you want to make some changes in your life, you can do it. Even if you don't think you have the will power, you do. You need to find your motivation. The one thing that will inspire you to get off the computer and follow your real dreams. You can do anything you set your mind to.

So until next time...
God Bless You and God Bless America!
xoxo Gossip Girl
No not really...
- Rachael ;D

Friday, June 6, 2014


Yesterday, June 4th, I was giving one of my coworkers a ride home. It was a little awkward at first, but then my favorite song came on and I couldn't help but sing... poorly. After that awful performance, I realize how chill this guy was. We ended up making some good conversation. I knew he didn't like what he does at work, so I asked him, "What is it that you really want to do?" He said he got a degree in marketing and he would actually like to use that degree. We got deeper into the conversation and I finally got a dream out of him. He wants to travel. Who doesn't want to travel? I certainly do. He said he wants to have jet lag. Everyone should experience jet lag at least once... or twice... or all the time. The Lord created the Earth so that we, his greatest creation, could explore it.

I've been doing a lot of reading and thinking lately. I don't want to live how I am living now. I don't really like giving the best hours of my day to a job that I don't really even like. I recently discovered a website by a famous reality TV star, now fashion designer/author:
Lauren Conrad was one of the main cast members on The Hills. From what I know, she is the only reality TV star that did not become corrupted by fame and, well, other members of the show. She went on to join Teen Vogue and pursue fashion. She now has a line of clothes at Kohl's (which is quite expensive) and her website is very successful. Not to mention, she has several best sellers. I plan on reading L.A. Candy here pretty soon.

My whole point in saying this is that I now know what kind of lifestyle I want to live. I want to be like Lauren Conrad. Of course, I can't be exactly like her, but I can try. What I want is to be lady like, have a good fashion sense, and great hair. Oh and I'd like to live in a big house in Laguna Beach, CA, but that will have to come later. I found so many pretty house. I can't choose one :( but here, take a look:

267 Crescent Bay Drive, Laguna Beach, CA -
121 Emerald Bay, Laguna Beach, CA -
846  Emerald Bay, Laguna Beach, CA -
283 Upland Road, Laguna Beach, CA -
2431 Riviera Drive, Laguna Beach, CA -

There's a lot more, but I have other things I need to talk about... Let me know which one of these you like best in the comments!

So because of the lifestyle change I want to make, there are a lot of things I am having to do. I want to read more. I am creating the habit of reading 30 minutes a day for a few weeks. Eventually, I'd like to read two hours everyday. No more Netflix. No more slacking off on Tumblr or Pinterest. The only computer time I will allow myself is blogging and research for blogging.... Or if I need to order something on Amazon of a clothing store. BUT other than that, nothing but reading.

I have already started to change my morning routine. I wake up at 5:30am and go to my mom's yoga class. Right now that's all I'm doing. On Monday, I am going to start jogging around the block after yoga. I need to get into some type of shape. I've been sitting around at work without incorporating any type of exercise into my day. One day I won't even have to worry about work. One thing I hate is thinking about work when I go home. I hate thinking about work even when I'm at work. But it's just for now. Nothing is permanent.

One day, I'll live the lifestyle I want. It's gonna take hard work, determination, and lots of motivation (looking at pretty houses).

"The first step to doing the right thing is doing something." - Tim Marks, Voyage of a Viking

Until next time...
God Bless You and God Bless America!
-Rachael A.

Here's Lauren Conrad (L.C.):