Thursday, June 12, 2014

I Literally Cannot Even

I can't. I really can't. I've never hated anything so much in my life. For the readers about to go into college and/or get a job, think about what you're doing. Think really hard. Think about what it is you really want to do. Do it now. I'll give you some time. 
Got it? Okay, now... Think about what you like to do and DO IT. I'm dead serious. Find a way to make it your living. If you love art, become an artist. Start an art gallery. Make art for people. Or maybe you love riding horses. Open up a ranch. Teach kids how to ride. Please don't make the mistake of getting a college degree and going into a field you are t even that interested in. College is NOT for everyone, so don't feel pressured to go. Don't waste the time and money. Don't to into $30k (or more) of debt to get a degree in something you might not even be able to use. Don't do something you'll regret. 

Even though I say college is not for everyone, it is for some people. Doctors, Lawyers, and other career paths require you to have a degree. If you are passionate about one of these careers, then by all means, go to college. And do well. We need people who are passionate about their jobs. No one likes it when the lady at the front desk or on the phone is rude and you can tell she hates what she's doing. I deal with people like that all the time. It's sad. 

Please just take this as a warning or something. Don't fall into a place where you don't want to be. Follow your dreams. Please. 

I wash going to write more, but I stopped for a day and lost where I was gonna go with this. I'm sorry. Forgive me. 

Until next time...
God Bless you and God Bless America. 
- Rachael 

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