Sunday, January 26, 2014

Blogging is Hard

Believe it or not, blogging is really hard. It's difficult to find things to talk about that are appropriate for the general public. I try not to talk about my personal life too much, but it's hard not to. We usually draw our topics from personal experiences. I'd love to write about serious things all the time and get on a really deep level. But I'm not that person. Maybe it's not that I'm not that type of person, but rather that I don't think on that deep of a level. At least, not yet.

I sometimes read other really good blogs. Terri Brady writes from personal experience, but she shows how it teaches a lesson. And would you believe I actually found a good blog in while using the Nav bar? Like I literally found it 30 seconds ago. It's called Hearing is Believing. It hasn't been updated in a long time (2010), but from what I have read so far, it is exactly the type of blog I want. This person writes about their favorite songs. How they found it, why they like it, a video of it, and the lyrics.

Here is the link in case you want to check it out:

I guess the only way to have a good blog is to just continue posting, even if the posts aren't good. I'm not that good of a writer yet, but with practice, I can be great. Practice makes perfect. 

I do my best to post every week at least, but I'm quite disappointed in myself for not keeping up. I wish I could post daily. I'm just too busy with work. But let's face it, you don't care about my excuses. No one does. So how about this, I promise to try my best and do better with posting. Is that okay? Cool.

Well until tomorrow?
God Bless You and God Bless America!

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