Friday, January 24, 2014

Freeeeedom Friday

I know one of the greatest Americans on Earth. His name... is Clif Gibson. Man this guy is really swell. The swellest. He always has the coolest ties. I was told that he's actually in a "tie club." It makes total sense, especially if you've met him. He taught my dad about this thing called "Chatoyancy." It's like an optical illusion found in gemstones. I guess some companies thought this was totally cool and started manufacturing material to mimic these gemstones. You should check it out sometime.

Besides Mr. Gibson's formidable education in ties, he is very passionate about our freedoms in America. I love hearing him speak truth into people's lives. He may not have the credentials of a professional speaker, but man can he speak. He talks a lot about how we are losing freedoms everyday in America. Some Tuesdays, he speaks at our live open meetings. And while showing the plan, he will usually add in something about how the people have more control than they think. Unfortunately, he only has a certain amount of time to talk and doesn't really get to dig into how we can REALLY change America. I know this guy has some great ideas. But the cool thing is, I don't think these ideas came from him. In fact, I know they didn't. See, what makes Clif brilliant, is that he listens and understands. All of what he says comes from people "much smarter than [him]." People like Orrin Woodward and Oliver Demille (Top Leadership Guru's and Authors of Leadershift).

I can't wait until Clif starts speaking at seminars. He will be (already is) great. He, like many of the men he associates with, is doing something great for this country. The greatest day of all will be when he achieves the level of Policy Council. I want to be there when he delivers his PC speech. In fact, I want to be front row. I might not be in his association, but I want to be right there cheering him on. I wish I could go into depth about how he speaks and his lessons, but I'm so not on his level. I don't want to sound like a fool, in turn making him sound like a fool. So I'm not going to try. Instead you should hear him for yourself. Just you wait and see. This guy will be on so many audio CD's. If you ask nicely, I just might loan some to you.

There are too many nice things to say about Clif and I really wish I could say more. I would love to get into really deep thoughts about how super cool he is, but I'm not that deep. Yet... So as I am still working on being a great writer and edifier,  feedback is much appreciated.

Thank you for reading this unintentionally short post.
God Bless You and God Bless America.

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