Thursday, January 30, 2014


I posted on Instagram the other day about how terrible it is to be a grown up. But after thinking about it, I realized that I had made a mistake. It's really not so bad being an adult in the "real world." It's just a challenge. I could talk about the negative aspects of being an adult all day, but I'm not going to. There is no good in doing that. It would only scare the small children.

I will admit, I do sometimes regret leaving public school. I miss being around my friends (or even having friends). I miss band.
That's about it. Even though I don't like that I left school, there are times that I remember why I did so. If it wasn't for me leaving, I wouldn't have been able to get started on my life. I'm working at a job in my chosen field. Soon, I'll be able to have the job and lifestyle that I want, all at an earlier age than most. Sure I won't get to experience what it's like to be a senior, but then again, that could be a good thing. I no longer have to deal with the stupid high school drama. I don't have to worry about being corrupted by my peers. And I don't have to worry about grades. The best part about starting life early, is that I make really good money for my age. You can bet I won't be getting a piece of junk for my first car.

I'd like to speak some truth into your life. It's true wen they say that after you leave high school, no one cares about you anymore. Someone might mention you now and then, but after a year or two, people forget about you. After four years, no one knows who you are. It's like you never existed. For someone like me, it sucks because I didn't have many friends. I was forgotten faster. But what makes this terrible is that I'm not only forgotten by the people that I considered acquaintances, but also by my closest friends. There is no worse feeling in the world than losing all of your friends. The people that you could confide in. It sucks. But I suppose it was bound to happen anyway. I was not the greatest friend in the world. I treated people poorly and in return, they treated me poorly. Now, I want you to know, I'm not posting this because I want pity or sympathy. This is just a segway to my next thought.

Looks like the Golden Rule really is true. You must give respect in order to earn respect. I hear all the time that people need to earn respect before it is given. While this is true, people make the mistake of being jerks to others then expecting to be respected.

Here's an example. This video was popular a while back. Some kid, Jeff Bliss, attended a school in Duncanville, TX, somewhat close to where I live. This kid tells off his teacher, basically telling her that she sucks and needs to get off her behind and actually teach something. He does this in front of the entire class, disrespecting her and setting a bad example for the other students. I'm not going to defend the teacher, but I'm not going to defend this Jeff guy either. While I do applaud him for taking a stand, I think he could have done it in a more civilized manner. Because he said the things in the tone that he did, the teacher respects him less and in turn will treat him worse than she did previously. Things would have been different if one of them had just been more respectful towards the other. It didn't matter who it was, but it needed to be done. Someone has to start it.

Now that you know where I stand on the issue of respect, tell me what you think. Was this guy in the wrong? Have you been faced with a situation like this? Let me know in the comments or send me a message.

Until next time...
God Bless You and God Bless America

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