Monday, October 24, 2016
Cold Cold Heart
In my oh so many years of dating experience (that's slightly sarcastic), I've come to learn that I'm really not cut out for it. Or maybe, I just don't fall for the right people. Ever. My longest relationship was 5 months. It would have lasted longer if he wasn't obviously a bad guy or if I was an idiot. Bad relationships last longer than they should for one of two reasons (or in some cases, both reasons). The sex is good, or one person continues to put in effort and the other takes advantage of it.When I was young and naive, I would fall for a guy and he would become my world. I put in the best effort I knew how. I would typically expect the same in return. I want someone who is head over heels for me as I am them. Someone who would make me a big priority in their life. But rarely did that ever happen. I've only really truly loved one or two people in my life. Mike, the most memorable love of my life, shattered my heart when I was 18. He disappeared and I spent an entire year feeling sorry for myself, whoring around, looking for someone that would remind me of him. That's when I was with the worst human that I had ever met. 5 verbally, emotionally, and towards the end, physically abusive months. Wasted. After a while, fate brought Mike and I back together, but things weren't the same... I had changed. I think he was ready for me, but I didn't realize I had moved on. In that year, I had realized my potential. I had blossomed into a beautiful, fun young woman that people (men mostly) adored. I loved the attention. I crave it. It's not a flaw, it's just what I like. I get plenty of attention at home. I'm an only child and I've always been the center of attention. I think of myself as a natural born performer. My point is, his attention was no longer relevant to me. He was nothing. He no longer mattered. I knew I was worth more and I could do better.
Fast forward, I haven't been in a relationship since... until now. It's been a rough ride with this guy. Like any relationship, it starts out really well. We have a lot of fun. We start to like each other a lot. We just kinda, get to know each other. Once we start getting more comfortable, our true faces start to come out. For me, I have an issue with the guys I'm with putting their friends (especially girl friends) above me. I have an issue with being "juiced." I heard this term from Mr. 5 Months and I've used it ever since. It's when you lead someone on to think y'all are gonna hang, then you back out/cancel last minute. You would think I'd be used to this by now. Guys do this to me all the time. "I can't hang tonight, something came up." "sorry hun, I'm pretty tired and I'm not up to chill." I can tell you I've never ever juiced anyone before. When I fall for someone, they become my world. I want to give them the type of attention that I want. I want to give them everything I have. But I've learned that when you do that for the wrong person, they use you or leave you. So I learned to not give someone my all. I want to feel like I'm worth something. I want to feel loved. I want to be their priority. But of course, that never happens. I'm never a priority to anyone. I'm never loved. No one ever makes me feel like I'm important. So I'm left with a cold heart, iced over with disappointment.
I think there was somewhere I was trying to go with that last paragraph, but of course, when you write something in the spur of your emotional breakdown, your thoughts go everywhere and you end up somewhere you didn't think of when you started. That's writing from the heart.
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Go Faster, You'll Make It (Part 1: Not Quite Rock Bottom)
I've tried a lot of things to make myself happy and nothing seems to work. Maybe this is why: I don't stand for anything. I don't have very good character. I don't have a lot of morals. I don't take care of myself. Most of all, I don't know what I want. I feel like I spend a lot of time by myself, but am I really thinking? What do I think about? Normally when I'm in the car, I try to listen to the loudest music I can. As of late, I get a headache when I listen to anything. Everything makes me unhappy. I'm feeling the way I felt when I dumped Mike. Undeserving. Emotionless or sad. There is no in between. My heart gets colder and colder and I get more and more afraid of becoming what I vowed to never be. I'm terrified of becoming a bitter, single woman. I want to be lovable. I want people to want to be around me. I want to not hate everyone and everything. I get mad at myself because I don't want to bring other people down with my attitude and bitterness, but I still want to be around people. I usually love people. But every now and then, I get in these depressing slumps and I have no clue how to get out.
Maybe I'm learning a lesson. Don't use people. Don't lead people on. Be real with people. Stop flirting with everyone and manipulating them. Hold out for someone special. Make deep connections. I'm looking for something spiritual with someone. My dad says I need a spiritual connection with God, but how do I even know He's there?
I need to make a change. I'm 20. I'm too young to be feeling like this. Lost and alone.
Eventually, when I get back to the intelligent, fun girl I used to be, I will get back to my informative posts, but for now, Rachael needs to find herself.
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Love Exists, I Just Don't Deserve To Have It
I can't escape.
I've pushed so many people away.
I've isolated myself.
I won't let anyone get too close.
I know why.
No one gives a shit.
I won't burden anyone with my problems.
My problems are all internal.
What am I doing with my life?
Why am I here?
What is the point anymore?
I don't contribute to society.
I can't.
There is nothing I can do.
I try to find something I would like to do.
But my heart isn't set on anything.
I wander through life.
I'm going no where.
With no one.
I have no one.
It's better this way.
I hate myself.
So should everyone else.
If I can't love myself,
How can I expect anyone else to love me?
He didn't really love me.
Words are just words.
Then again,
For someone like me,
Words are everything.
I need attention.
I need admiration.
I wish I wasn't like this.
But I am.
That's just the way it is.
I understand we're in the "real world."
I'm not a fucking moron.
That's why I try so hard to be the best at everything.
That's why I try so hard to be happy in front of people.
That's why I try so hard to not take things seriously.
But it get's bottled up inside.
And a little thing could set me off.
I hate that his stupid, beautiful face keeps popping up in my mind.
I hate that I let him go.
I hate that he left me.
And I hate that I left him.
I hate him for hurting me.
I hate myself for hurting him.
If I couldn't love him, then I can't love anyone.
I don't deserve to feel love.
How the FUCK can one guy have so much power over me when he's not even a part of my life anymore?
Thursday, May 12, 2016
I Miss My Person
I miss our semi-drunken conversations. I miss listening to you ramble on about sciencey stuff that interests you. I miss us being friends. I miss talking to you. But it had to end. When I let you go as a lover, I had to let you go as a friend. I couldn't hurt you like that. I couldn't let you watch as I go out and live my life when you wanted to live it with me. I couldn't take you along when I wanted and leave you when I wanted. It wasn't fair. I'm selfish. And you deserve better. I loved you. But my love is too much. It's an unfair love. Maybe I'm just a psychopath. I don't know. But I do know that I miss you and I wish you were still in my life. I wish you could have been my best friend.
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
I'm Not Okay
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
I Thought I Loved You
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
The Passive-Agressive Post That Will Never Be Released...
People love to gossip. It's human nature. We like to know what goes on in other people's lives. It helps us to feel like we're involved in someone's life. But it can also be a terrible habit when used in a negative way.
"Great minds discuss ideas,
Average minds discuss events,
Small minds discuss people."
I do not have a small mind usually, but I'm going to for the next few minutes as I write this post. I was going to try to put everything nicely and sugar coat all of this, but I'm feeling pretty lit about this situation and what happened. Normally, I like to take a situation and make it some general thing that can apply to everyone, but no. I'm pretty pissed about this.
People like you out of fear. They don't want to get on your "bad-side." BITCH if you got a "bad side" that is so terrible people should be scared, you need to reevaluate yourself. Reevaluate your personality. You're not respected. I would love to have people dislike me because they don't like who I am, rather than fear me because I could "ruin' them. What the FUCK can you really do? Get me fired from a job I don't need? BITCH you would be doing me a favor! But you know something? People like me. They don't fear me. They don't have to. I would never intentionally do anything to anyone to hurt anyone. I can act mean sometimes, but I'm never actually mean. But right now, as it is, I feel like being super mean. To you. No one else. Just you. Because you deserve it. No one has ever tried to put you in your place. I would, but it's not my job to. That's up to God how He wants that to happen. Besides, you aren't worth my time. After this post, your name will NEVER leave my mouth. I will NEVER look in your direction. I will NEVER ask you for anything. I'm sure you would be thrilled to find this out. Consider this my Valentine's gift to you.
I'm not afraid of you. There is nothing you can do to to hurt me.
To those who might be reading this (which is a very slim group of people) and are confused as to what is going on, basically, a bitch I work with passive-aggressively called me out in the middle of a meeting for being a "slut" or "flirt" or whatever, at work. (I can't help that I'm so pretty and nice and that's why guys like me.) Of course she denies it, but we all know that's not true. Especially me, because I do the exact same shit.
I would like to take a little moment here to the people who wouldn't address the problem who knew about it and it was YOUR JOB to address. You are worse than the person this post is about. Stop living in fear of a PERSON. A person who should have ZERO influence in your life. A person who is NOTHING. You are going NO WHERE. If someone ever says something negative to you about another person, you shouldn't talk to them. There is a saying "If someone gossips to you about someone else, they're probably gossiping ABOUT you to someone else." Don't be the person gossiping, because that person may lose trust for you as well....
So the lesson today is don't be a fucking bitch. If you have something to say to someone, tell them to their face. Don't be passive aggressive in front of a huge group of people. Because more than likely, depending on the crowd, everyone might know what's going on and it could cause someone to do something like passive-aggressively write a blog post on the internet. You get what you give.
"Hate is a strong word,
but I really, really, really don't like you"
- Plain White T's
Things I'm Learning (Pt. 1)
As we grow older, we learn new things. Obviously that's going to happen. I've gone through a lot just in the past year. Seems as if I'm in that weird phase in my life where I'm figuring things out for myself and learning lessons on my own. I've had my heart broken so much, I've been hurt terribly, and I have hurt people. As much as I hate to say it, these things had to happen. The people who hurt you teach you to not give yourself away too easy. You harden your heart and that's okay. You find out what you do and don't like in a person. After I dated J, I realized how much I really don't like someone who is dependent on me. You shouldn't be with someone who feeds off of your happiness. It's especially hard for happy, optimistic people like me. We have so much love and positivity to give, but we tend to get taken advantage of because we like to make others happy. But of course, we learn from the hurt we experience. You can't make everyone happy. It's impossible. But that's okay. There are some people that just don't want to be happy. There are people that envy happy people so much that they go out of their way to bring them down. That is a huge lesson I've learned in the past few months.
"I am strong."
"I am beautiful"
"I am happy."
When you say these things, you put that out into the universe. There is a difference between positive affirmations and having a big ego. An ego can be something you use to tell yourself how much better you are than other people. A positive affirmation doesn't tear anyone else down, but rather builds yourself up. It gives you a good, healthy amount of self-esteem. Whenever you start to think negatively about yourself, catch yourself and redirect your thoughts. You might not believe what you're saying to yourself at first, but soon enough, you'll start to notice changes. You will look in the mirror and you'll look different. You will be pleased with yourself. Every morning when I look in the mirror, I am close to happy with what I see. Yes, I have physical flaws. Scarring, acne, large pores, a weird nose... But you'll start to see your flaws differently. You'll realize that these are the things you're stuck with. These flaws are a part of you. As you think more positively about yourself, you will realize how these flaws make you unique and beautiful. Embrace your flaws.
- Rachael
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Light Flow?
I have a million things that go through my head. You would think I'm high all the time. I'm not. But I feel as though the thoughts race through my mind at 100mph. I can never get it all down on paper. Words don't flow like they used to. I've been writing lately about my day and what happened and how it makes me feel in that moment. I've been writing about a boy who makes me feel a whirlwind of emotions. But nothing worth publishing. When I was younger, I liked to write poetry. It sucked, but I liked it. Words flowed then. But now, it's like I'm writing the same thing over and over again. I want to be inspired. I want a story. I'm one of those people that starts something really good, but never finishes. I lose interest and it kills me. But I'm trying.
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Not Enough
You can try as hard as possible to be what someone needs, but there could be someone else who already has it.
Thursday, March 17, 2016
He's a doll.
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
I was told to stop looking. I was told that the right people would come into my life. I was told to wait. To be patient. But how can i? I've been waiting. I've been patient. Now I have no one. Everyone has left. I'm alone.
I feel like I'm waiting for some kind of miracle. I never thought a miracle would be a person.
Monday, March 14, 2016
I'm Independent, But I Need A Person
I've never been one to rely on other people. But as a people person... I like people. I love people. How can someone as outgoing as me be so lonely? You would think someone like me would have loads of friends. You would think someone like me is always out doing something. Having fun. But that's not the case. I'm a loner. People like me, but they don't take me seriously. People don't bother with trying to make friends with me. And it's hard for me to make friends with them. I have loads of acquaintences. But I wouldn't call anyone I know a friend. People are nice. But I'm hard to understand. It's hard for people to get me. My weirdness and my thought process is difficult to follow.
I don't know what to do. I don't need anyone. But I need someone. I need a friend. I need someone who gets me.
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Pointless Stories Pt. 1
When I was in 8th grade, I failed algebra. I remember in class when we would grade our own papers and shout the grade out to the teacher. We had the option to go up to her and show her the grade privately if we were ashamed. If I didn't do it, I would just shout out a zero. I didn't do it most days. But when I did do it, I wouldn't get anything higher than a 50. So my parents got me a tutor. I remember the first time I got a 100, my teacher made a big deal out of it... "oh yay! Everyone, Rachael did her homework and didn't fail!"
Luckily, I have a good sense of humor and didn't get offended.
Monday, February 29, 2016
The Weirdest Thing I've Ever Written
I'll pretend you mean it
Convince me to show you what no one else sees
I'm yours for the night
Make your claim over me
Soak in every park of me
I'll take in every inch of you
Touch me, feel me
Fuck me, hold me
Go crazy
Show me your dark side
Give me the best time of my life
Let me let go
Let me be wild
Fulfill my lustful desires
Make me believe I'm the goddess of your dreams
Fill me with pleasure
Make me glow
Tell no one
I'll do the same
Love me every night
Then I'll be happy everyday

Sunday, February 28, 2016
Dear Rachael, Be Hard On Yourself
Friday, February 26, 2016
Girl, You're A Swan
I used to wonder what the guy I liked thought about me... But now I start to think, he doesn't.... He doesn't think about me. He doesn't care. Why would he? He's perfect. He's gorgeous. He's charming. He has a large pool of fish to choose from. But then you realize, he's looking at the fish. His head is underwater. He can't see the beautiful swan right above him. It's not your job to help him from drowning. Either one day, he'll see you, or you'll move on. For now, all you can do is watch.
I Won't Fall, Unless You're Going To Catch Me
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
I'm Falling
He reminds me of a time when I always had a loving, tingling feeling.
But he makes me forget about the last person to make me feel that way.
He makes me forget about everything I've done in the past.
He makes me feel like I can be better if I really tried.
He makes me feel like a giggly idiot because everything he says makes me laugh.
But he makes me feel like I'm not good enough.
He doesn't intend to do that.
But sometimes, we fall for people totally out of our league.
Sometimes, you're an 8 and you fall for a 10.
Sometimes, you feel like being an 8 isn't good enough.
Sometimes, you're afraid of this feeling because you don't want to get hurt again.
So you hold back.
You don't allow yourself to feel that feeling you once felt.
You weren't good enough for the last person.
Why would you be good enough for the next one?
You tell yourself you deserve better.
You tell yourself you will find your person one day.
You try so hard to have hope for the future.
But it's hard.
You doubt yourself.
You try so hard to be good enough.
You don't believe anyone will want you.
But you know that's not true.
People want you.
It's just not the person you want.
Because rarely do we fall for someone who falls for us.
"Mistakes are painful, but they're the only way to know who we really are."
-Denny Duquette, Grey's Anatomy
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
I Don't Know What To Title This Post
Tasteless Gentleman: You're Not a Princess and You Don't Deserve Better
Why is it that women never ask themselves what they did wrong in the relationship? They never ask themselves what they did to cause the guy to leave. It’s always the guy who “doesn’t know what he’s missing.”
Here's the thing when a relationship ends, this is what girl think. We do wonder what we did wrong. Or what we didn't do. What would have made you happy. In many cases, women are attracted to what we call "f*ckboys." It sounds to me like that's the kind of guy who wrote this article. I mean, just look at the author bio.
"Expert at leaving women disappointed physically and emotionally. Writer. Drinker. Humorist. Underachiever."
God Bless You and God Bless America
- Rachael
Sunday, February 14, 2016
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Don't Settle
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Journal Entry (9/27/15)
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Journal Entry (1/6/16)
To me, change is like a drug.
It's heroin.
I want it so bad.
I need it.
I'm addicted and having withdrawals.
If I don't have a major change soon, I'm going to die.
2016 will be the year of change for me.